Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
2807 North Augusta Street, Staunton, Virginia 24401[540] 885-4843 – Church Office
Bill Polhill, Director of Music
Brenda Wollner, Office AdministrationDebbie McCray, Custodial Service
Church Office:
Web Site:

Our Mission Statement:
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church:
By God’s grace the Holy Spirit leads us
to love all and serve all.
Visitor are always welcome
Children and their families are central to the ministry of Christ Church. Children are always welcome in worship. In the cry of a baby, or the fussiness of a toddler, we hear a new voice that speaks to God, reminding us that children are a blessing and a joy.
The Pastor's Discretionary Fund is low on money to help those in need in our community. If you are able to help, please make your check payable to the Discretionary Fund.