Palm Sunday

The Junior and Senior high youth hand out plam branches.
The service starts outside and we process in.

The procession continues inside to your seat.

We give our offerings and prepare for the Holy Communion.
The Body of Christ Broken for You |

The Blood of Christ Shed for You |
The Sacrament of Holy Communion

We end the service. Go in Peace - Serve the Lord

Please return.

The Easter breakfast is prepared by the Fellowship & Hospitality
Serving the breakfast is buffet style for everyone to enjoy.

The fellowship of the breakfast is enjoyed.
The senior youth hide Easter Eggs for the children to find.

The children hunt the Easter Eggs.
After the hunt, the children check there eggs. Each egg contains a piece of candy.

Flowers are placed on the Cross placed on the front lawn to represent
the living Crist. He has Risen!
The service follows with a Children's Sermon.